At MORTELECQUE, we train our team of professionals in all filtration and anti-pollution processes. We have a comprehensive range of technical products and custom manufacturing options, with our 6 production units all operating with a continuous improvement approach.

You can contact us for the supply of filtration equipment and for our maintenance services.

MORTELECQUE was established in 1830 by a family of farmers, sugar producers and brewers, all driven by an entrepreneurial spirit. Today the company employs more than 90 people, with over 7000 customers worldwide and 35,000 product references.

With modern powerful looms, the unit can produce 1500 metres a day, in widths of up to 3400 mm.
The flexibility of the plant and the range of yarns available enable us to produce almost 1000 different qualities

Our three manufacturing sites are set up to respond quickly to your technical requirements within the necessary timescales.
The technical department works closely with you to design and develop prototypes.

Our analysis and testing laboratory has high-tech equipment for measuring the mechanical strength, air permeability, weight and thickness of media, etc. A microscope/video camera assembly provides even more possibilities for research and analysis. An infrared spectrometer is used to help determine the causes of failure of filter media.

Our team carries out maintenance and fitting of filter tubes in your dust collectors.

You can visit to the website for various products..